How to Find Your Ministry Anchor Verse

An anchor verse for your ministry can keep you centered ... oh, you may drift a bit, you may float to the edge of the stream. But your anchor keeps you from getting too far from where you belong ... from where you are safe.

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As we barrel towards the end of one season, it’s time to start looking out at what’s coming next and making plans, right?  Goals, action lists, strategies …. you know that’s what I’m all about.

But what if we look out and it seems cloudy?  Despite carefully laid plans and thoughtfully completed worksheets, maybe this has not been your breakthrough season. You followed all the scripts but the ebook launch flopped.  Exactly 3 people took part in the challenge that was supposed to EXPLODE your email list.

Or maybe it has been GREAT!  Good for you!  But success brings its own set of struggles.  Growth is straining your capacity to manage it all.  New opportunities come with technical and relational challenges.

In good times and bad, running a ministry can feel like being on a tiny boat bouncing around on the waves.  Tossed and driven by the winds of the next big idea or newest hot blogging trend that just HAS to make things better.

Before we can look ahead and chart the course for the next leg of our journey, re-connecting with our anchors settles our soul.  And rest assured … strategies and goals and plans are meaningless if we are not doing the things that satisfy our souls.

I’ve been reading Judah Smith’s new book How’s Your Soul? Why Everything that Matters Starts with the Inside You.  I love what he has to say about anchors.

An anchor does its best work where it is never seen.  An anchor plunges through the depths of the sea until it settles and wedges itself into the ocean floor.  Meanwhile, back on the surface, in the boat that is your soul, you continue to be buffeted by the elements of life. All you can see in the moment are the wind and waves.  But under the surface, you have an anchor.

I found this great verse about anchors in the book of Acts.  Chapter 27 is about an ill-fated voyage that Paul was on.   Verse 29 says,

 Fearing that we would be dashed against the rocks, they dropped four anchors from the stern and prayed for daylight.  Acts 27:29 (NIV)

Have you every felt like that?  Praying for a little daylight?   Just like Paul and his sailors dropped four anchors, let’s spend the next month dropping four anchors that will help us steady ourselves.

Over the next few weeks, let’s dive under the surface. We’ll uncover our Joy Anchors … the things that remind us why we do what we do.  We’ll find our Anchor People …. the ones who make it all worth it.  And we’ll grab on to our Ministry Anchors … the basics that make it all possible.

We start by going to the Anchor of our soul first.  Because in all the busyness and business of leading and growing, we need something that holds us fast.  An anchor verse for your ministry can keep you centered … oh, you may drift a bit, you may float to the edge of the stream.  But your anchor keeps you from getting too far from where you belong … from where you are safe.

Last year, I wrote a post for Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies about finding your life verse.  And this exercise of finding an anchor verse for your ministry is similar.  But what is it not?  It’s not your purpose or part of your tagline.  Those things are important parts of your ministry, but they are forward-facing … they define your ministry for those you serve.  Your anchor verse defines your ministry for you.

Start by asking yourself a couple of questions:

  1. What do you want God to do through your ministry?  What seems to be in short supply in life when it’s really needed?
  2. What are your strengths and passions? What moves you, motivates you, makes your heart sing?

After you have thought about the needs and your passions, pick three or four “themes” that are important in your ministry. Go to and enter those key words in the search box to find verses that contain your ministry themes. Write down the verses that say something about your heart and work with God.

Pray over the verses you find. How will you spot your anchor verse? Easy! Your anchor verse is the one that makes your heart go “Ahhhhhh …” as it breathes new life into you and your ministry!

But I’m going to give you a challenge .. Jeremiah 29:11, Romans 12:2 and a few others are common ones that many people choose to represent their lives or their ministry.  But, seriously.  There are 31,102 verses in the Bible.  Dig deep and find one that is uniquely yours.

After you have selected your verse, get to know it inside out. Break it down. Memorize it. Look for a song that refers to the themes in the verse. Interact with your anchor verse until it settles and wedges itself in the depths of your soul.

And remember, choosing an anchor verse doesn’t necessarily mean you have to keep it forever. Your anchor verse can change as your ministry enters new seasons.

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Download this worksheet to help you find your anchor verse.

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If you’ve settled on an anchor verse for your ministry, share it with us!

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Do you wonder if it’s worth it, or even possible, to build a ministry or business on the side?

I have good news for you. It is possible. It is worth it. You can do it.

That’s why I’m glad to share with you the four-part Honor System, to help you honor all the work God has given you to do. These are the hard-earned lessons I’ve taken away from chasing after my dreams and maintaining the career that supports my family.

Grab it here!

15 thoughts on “How to Find Your Ministry Anchor Verse”

  1. Hey Christa, Judah’s words on anchors are spot on … and what an inspirational way to wrap up the year and ready ourselves to consider what God might have for us in the days ahead …


  2. Of course, I absolutely love this! (given that my logo has an “anchor” IN it, and a lot of my business focuses on Christ being our Anchor). A verse I’ve been holding onto with my biz is Hebrews 6:19: “We have this hope as an ANCHOR for our souls, firm & secure.” 😉

    Thanks for the heads-up about Judah’s book, too! I’ll be checking that out!

  3. “Gracious words are as a honeycomb, Sweet To The Soul and healing to the bones.” Proverbs 16:24.
    This was the beginning for me. God clearly gave me this scripture, he actually planted the seed a long, long time ago.
    But for my ministry, it didn’t mean that I would write or speak sweet wirds, but that HIS words were a sweet balm that brought healing. From day one, it was clear that nothing was about MY words, I was to share HIS words.

    Great post Christa! I so encourage everyone to spend time with God to do this!!

  4. Thanks, Christa! I have found my anchor verse! Joshua 1:9. Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.

  5. Revelation 12:11–And they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death.

    I’m quiet, shy, a bit of a loner. It’s hard for me to be in groups of people, but this verse came to life to me as I participated (very uncomfortably!) in a Bible study. Especially in this day and time, when many people are unfamiliar with the Bible, and so unfamiliar to Whom the Bible points, our testimonies can point the way to Christ. That perspective allows me to speak up and share Jesus when I’m more comfortable remaining silent!

    (And a companion verse to this is John 21:25–“Now there are also many other things that Jesus did. Were every one of them to be written, I suppose that the world itself could not contain the books that would be written.” It makes me want to shout from the mountaintops!)

  6. My anchor verse is Jeremiah 15:19
    “If you repent, I will restore you
    that you may serve me;
    if you utter worthy, not worthless, words,
    you will be my spokesman.

  7. i’m glad I came across your blog post on Pinterest. I never thought of myself as having a ministry, but somehow it came into my head that my leadership in walking groups and other recreational activities is just that, a ministry. So I used your tactics on Bible Gateway and came up with Isaiah 26:8 “Yes, Lord, walking in the way of your laws, I wait for you, your name and renown are the desires of my heart.”


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