Christa Hutchins
I’ve been a “doer of things” for as long as I can remember!
All those nit-picky little details that most people hate? Yea. I love them. And I love to turn vague, scary, confusing ideas and turn them into specific plans to accomplish a goal, one step at a time.
A proud graduate of the University of Florida (Go Gators!) with a degree in Chemical Engineering, I’ve worked for a global engineering and construction contractor for over 25 years, leading teams on large and small projects, in multiple locations, on several continents. Detailed planning and strong, transparent communication is the key to effectively reaching the team goals. My role as the leader of the team is to make each team member successful so that we reach our goal together.
For the past six years, I’ve had the honor of volunteering for Proverbs 31 Ministries Online Bible Studies. I serve on the Executive Team for Online Bible Studies as the Coordinator of Reality. After a period of explosive growth in the ministry, I participated in a strategic reorganization that has positioned us for future growth and more effective ministry. My knack for “doing things” has come in handy as we have created our own systems for small group registration, volunteer applications and screening, quality service surveying and other administrative tasks.
I’m active in my local church and have led both domestic and international mission trips, large youth events and dramatic presentations reaching hundreds of people for Christ.
South Louisiana is home for my husband and me in our delightfully empty nest. Our grown children live nearby and we see them often. You usually will find me with my nose stuck in a book or sipping on a triple tall, non-fat peppermint mocha, extra hot, from Starbucks!
Let’s talk about how we can do your thing together!