This post is part of my Write 31 Days Challenge series, based on results of the Online Christian Creative Survey. Click here to see all posts in the series
We’ve come to the end of our questions in our survey. And we’ve learned a lot about the average Christian Creative who is trying to expand her reach for Christ online.
If I had to sum up the feelings expressed in the survey in one word, it would be “frustrated”.
Frustrated that their online presence is not growing as fast as they expected.
Frustrated that they can’t afford the resources they know they need to get better.
Frustrated that they feel they don’t know what to do next and don’t know who to trust to tell them.
So if I had to respond to that one word with two words, they would be “Carry on.”
Carry on with the calling God has given you.
Carry on with loving on those who show up in your space, even if it is only a few.
Carry on with doing your best and sacrificing to get better.
You can do this. I know you can.
There is nothing wrong with taking advantage of free resources that are offered. A 30-minute discovery call with a mentor or coach could be just the thing you need to jump start your motivation. I’d love to talk to you and help you start making a plan for success. Visit the Special Offers page and complete the form to request a call!
We still have six more days of our Write 31 days series! For the rest of the series, we’ll focus on the survey results for the top 15% of bloggers in the survey … the ones who have been able to grow their following and their income … to see what we can learn from and about them.
How Can I Serve You
See all of the posts in this series here. You can follow the series right here on the blog, or follow along on Instagram for the micro-version, or signup below to have links to the series delivered to your email inbox every week with my newsletter.
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