Episode 8: The Power of Starting Simple

The Power of Starting Simple

Welcome to Episode 8 of Just One Simple Thing, “The Power of Starting Simple.” I’m so excited to be kicking off a new group in the Move Forward Mastermind and our focus for the month of May is Starting… That could be starting a business, a ministry, a podcast, or even a new product or offer in whatever you are doing now. I have a couple of episodes coming with some practical tips on taking those first, scary steps. But before we dive into the doing, let’s spend some time getting ourselves grounded.

I don’t know about you, but for me, almost every idea I have starts out simple.

But then, what we thought was simple becomes complicated.

What if we tried something different? What if we simply started …. and started simple.

There’s freedom in starting when you don’t know the “right” way to do things.

Starting simple is surprisingly difficult. There is incredible pressure to jump in and do everything at once, or risk being left behind.

But starting simple does not mean we don’t have big dreams. Our time of simple can also be a time of intentional learning that sets us up for success. So whether you are starting to create a new course, a new product, or a whole new thing, I have three things to keep in
mind during your simple start.

1. Learn what works for you and what doesn’t.
Depending on who you listen to, one person’s “must-do” is somebody else’s “never do”.
Through prayer and experimentation, starting simple allows us to try different things to see what works before we commit to something forever. It also helps us find mentors and experts whose advice always seems right on target.

2. Master one thing before adding on something else.
Do one thing … master it … do it well.
Then add another. Some things will take weeks to master.
Others will be only days before you feel comfortable enough to add on another layer.
But if you try to do too many things at one time, you can’t possibly be all-in on any of them.

3. And lastly: Develop systems and processes that will grow.
When things are simple, we don’t give much thought to the way we get them done. But as things grow and naturally get more complicated, these foundational systems need to grow with us.

1 Corinthians 1:26-29 says in part: Think of what you were when you were called. Not many of you were wise by human standards; not many were influential; God chose the things that are not to nullify the things that are, so that no one may boast before him.

So focus on the simple things God has called you to do, and start these new things one simple step at a time.

Start simple and grow into your dream. There is power in simply starting.

If you’ve had fun with these first eight episodes, how about leaving a review and subscribing on your favorite podcast platform? And if you have feedback or topics you’d love to see me cover, or just want to say hi, feel free to email me anytime at christa@doanewthing.com
See you back here next time.

Look at one thing you are planning to start, and simplify it.  How can you figure out whether it is working or not? Or isolate it to one new thing at a time.  Or create a system around it that will grow.  Pick just one and share it on social media.  Tag me @doanewthing using the hashtag #justonesimplething so I can cheer you on.  And in our free Facebook group, Plan & Pray with Do A New Thing , you’ll find a template to help you share it.

More Than Capable Mompreneur Podcast with Shannon Baker, Episode24:15 Processes You Need to Create Sexy Systems and Boost Your Productivity

Book Recommendation: Start.: Punch Fear in the Face, Escape Average, and Do Work That Mattersby Jon Acuff

The Honor Circle
What if there was a place you could be in community with other women pursuing their God-inspired dream while working full-time?

Where you could get support and resources that are realistic for you without spending all of your limited time in group meetings?

There is, and I’m so excited to share this with you.

The Honor Circle is a membership for Christian Women who have a big dream but little time, to honor all of the work God has given us to do. Registration is open now. Click below for details and to get signed up!

Learn More Here!

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