We’ll Solve Your Greatest Struggle … Together!

Over the last several months, as I have talked to my clients and listened to my readers, they have all expressed the same struggle with their online ministry or business. I’ve experienced this struggle myself.

My NEW Ministry Master Plan course will help you plan your next right steps for now, and give you a framework for decisions in the future.All.the.things.

All the stuff to do.  All the ideas.  All the suggestions and voices and experts telling us what we MUST do to be successful.

And to make it worse, some of these experts define “success” differently.

It’s not just a blog …. it’s a ministry.

It’s not a side hustle … it’s a calling.

I’m not a blogging badass.  My biz babe days are long behind me.  And most times, I feel more like a falling star than a rockstar.

Can you relate?

Don’t get me wrong … I’ve learned a lot from the biz babes and rockstars and I am so thankful that they are passionately sharing what they know to help others.  But sometimes, I need to turn it down a notch.

Sometimes when you don’t know which hot topic of the month to chase after, it’s easier to just do nothing. And there your God-sized dream goes flying … off in the idea tornado with all the other things you couldn’t get your hands around.

It doesn’t have to be that way, and I have two brand new resources developed with you in mind.

Stop the Idea Tornado Webinar

This FREE webinar will walk through my unique Idea Tornado toolkit and show you how to capture all those ideas swirling in your head, filter and prioritize them and how to create an action plan that is doable.

The best way I know to teach the toolkit is to use an example, and I am blessed to have a webinar partner who have provided material for this training.

We’ll use the toolkit to plan a project, like working with a web designer to create and launch a new blog.  Maria Davis of A Problem Like Maria will join us with expert advice on working with your designer, while you learn the toolkit principles.

As our thank you for registering for the webinar by May 9, 2016, we’ll send you a discount code good for $5 off Lena’s book!

Watch the Idea Tornado Webinar today!  We can’t wait to share all this great stuff with you!


Are you ready to …

…. have a clear vision of God’s purpose for your ministry or business?

…. develop a growth plan that is consistent with your values and character?

…. become the leader you and your team need you to be (even if your “team” is just you!)?

…. create a framework to confidently evaluate the decisions you make and direction you take every day?

Then join me for my  Ministry Master Plan course.  I am so excited to offer this to you!  I’ve been testing this program with some of my one-on-one clients over the last few months and they have RAVED about how it has given them clarity on where to head next and specific areas of focus.  I am thrilled to bring it to a wider audience.

I just want to say a special thanks to all of you who have given me feedback, support and encouragement as Do A New Thing has grown over the last year, and prayed for me as I developed these two new resources.  I’m excited about this new step we are taking …. together!


Join me for the Stop the Idea Tornado Webinar by registering here!

Check out More Than A Blog Ministry Master Plan course here and see a complete list of training and assessment topics included in the program.



What dream do you have that is stuck in the idea tornado?


Linking up with Jaime Weibel at #SittingAmongFriends

6 thoughts on “We’ll Solve Your Greatest Struggle … Together!”

  1. Christa, these resources look great! As I read more and more from Do a New Thing, I am reminded of a book I read when my husband and I were pastoring. It’s called Simple Church by Thom Reiner. The book emphasizes that we can’t do a thousand things and expect to do any of them well. We are more productive when we choose three things and focus on those. The same thing applies in any area of ministry, so your Stop the Idea Tornado resource will be so valuable to many! Blessings friend:)

    • Thank you so much, Kristine! Your support and encouragement mean so much to me. And you are right … Focusing on a few key things at a time will get us farther along than running around like crazy, trying every new idea we see. Off to find Simple Church!

  2. These look amazing! I often feel paralyzed by how much there seems to be to accomplish and how little progress I seem to be making on any of my goals… What a great resource! xo, Liz


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