Episode 53: Simple Systems to Capture Ideas and Leads

Simple Systems to Capture Ideas and Leads

Where do your ideas go to grow? Do you have a place where they can mature and develop while you are working on other things? What about your leads on potential clients? Are you cultivating those, so your pipeline stays full? How do you capture ideas and leads? In this last episode of the Simplify With Systems series, we are going to look at two simple systems that have made a huge impact on my business … the idea capture system, and the client lead follow-up system. Let’s dig in to how they work.

There are some basic systems that every ministry or business needs to have …. Document filing, appointment scheduling, email management, and the like.

But today, I want to cover a couple of systems that are not talked about as much but have been a key part of managing and growing my business. Let’s start with the Idea Capture System first, then touch on the client lead follow up system.

Before we talk about how to develop a capture system, let’s talk a bit more about why we need one.

2 Corinthians 10:5 says:  We destroy arguments and every lofty opinion raised against the knowledge of God, and take every thought captive to obey Christ.

Many of my ideas come from the lofty opinions of others … what I could do, or should do, or think I ought to do because the ever-present they are doing it. Capturing the idea parks it in a place to rest while I pray and seek God.

At first, you may feel like your capture system is a place where ideas go to die.
But, you’ll find it is really a place where ideas go to grow.

Some things to consider when setting up your capture system.

  • A space to capture – Set up a place where you can capture every idea as it comes to you.
  • Your capture system is more than a list.
  • A home for shiny objects.
  • Create the habit – The more you use the system, the more it will naturally become the first place you go when inspiration strikes.
  • Process, filter and prioritize – About once every three months or so, run through your  captured ideas.

Keeping my head clear of all this extra information and activity gives me more capacity to focus on the things God has assigned me to do right now. Preserving the ideas in a place they can live and grow (or not) releases the guilty feelings that I’m not doing enough.

Let’s touch briefly on the client lead follow up system.

When I make a connection with a potential new client, I add them to a list on my Clients Trello board … close to the top if I want to follow up soon, or in the middle when I want to follow up in a few weeks.

Each Sunday evening, when I do my planning for the next week, I send a quick email to the top 2 or 3 people on the list, referencing things we mentioned the last time we talked. Then I move them to the bottom of the list, and do 2 or 3 more the next week.

I hope this series has helped you develop some simple systems that free you up to do the work you love most. In our next episode, we’ll take a little break and do something a little silly, just for fun. I hope you’ll join me!

Which one of these two systems would make the biggest difference for you? Spend a little time this week setting it up so you can capture your big ideas AND your potential customers.

More Than Capable Momprenuer Podcast with Shannon Baker: The Business Systems Every Mompreneur Needs
Book Recommendation: I Used to Be So Organized: Help to Recover Order and Peace by Glynnis Whitwer


The Honor Circle
What if there was a place you could be in community with other women pursuing their God-inspired dream while working full-time?

Where you could get support and resources that are realistic for you without spending all of your limited time in group meetings?

There is, and I’m so excited to share this with you.

The Honor Circle is a membership for Christian Women who have a big dream but little time, to honor all of the work God has given us to do. Registration is open now. Click below for details and to get signed up!

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