Now Next Not Yet Workshop

Now Next Not Yet

Free Training Class

Are you overwhelmed by ideas and information and aren't sure what to do next?

Does any of this sound familiar?

  • You went to an inspiring conference and came home with a notebook full of ideas that you couldn't get done in a lifetime
  • You know you can't do all your ideas, but don't know how to prioritize them
  • You are afraid of doing the wrong thing, so you don't do anything.

You need a decision-making framework

Now Next Not Yet

What's that?? It’s a set of criteria and a systematic way of evaluating options, filtering the million ideas floating around in your head.

In this special free workshop, you’ll learn:

  • How a decision-making framework can help you prioritize your tasks and ideas
  • Step by step instructions to create your own framework
  • Examples of how I use my framework
  • What to do with your Now, Next, and Not Yet items
  • Follow up Plan & Pray session to practice using your framework

Grab the recording of the live Now, Next, Not Yet workshop to learn how to overcome the overwhelm and take action with confidence.


Do A New Thing equips busy communicators and leaders with project management and problem solving skills so they can turn their big ideas into a successful ministry or business.

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