The Honor Circle

The Honor Circle

A membership for Christian Women who have a big dream but little time

to honor all the work God has given you to do

Dear Go Getter Jesus Girl,

What if there was one place you could be in community with other women pursuing their God-inspired dream while working full-time?  Where you could get support and resources that are realistic for you without spending all of your limited time in group meetings?

There is, and I’m so excited to share this with you.

The Honor Circle

As a result of being part of this unique circle, you will experience:

The Honor Circle

Community with other women building their dreams into a very full life (without spending hours in meetings)

The Honor Circle

Accountability to keep your commitments (to your dream AND your job)

the Honor Circle

Input and Resources to help you expand the reach and impact of your faith-inspired dream (that won’t break the bank)

This program is designed for the creative Christian woman with a message who:

The Honor Circle
  • Has gotten her writing, speaking, or service-based ministry or business started, but can’t devote full time to it
  • Longs to see real growth in her dream while still working full-time (without wearing herself out)
  • Has never felt like she fit in groups of full-time entrepreneurs or writers
  • Wants to grow her network of partners and collaborators in a safe and supportive environment
  • Deeply desires to make an impact with her work and use her gifts to honor God, but she’s starting to wonder if she can really do this

Strategic and Capable

The Honor Circle has given me an opportunity to network with others, bounce ideas/struggles off of others and allow me to realize that with some strategic adjustments and planning I am capable of working on my God dream while running a full time business.

Melissa Woodard, Podcaster and Wellness Instructor

As I’ve worked with Christian women like you (and me), I’ve seen a few patterns:

  • You know you have a valuable message or service to share, but your progress is limited by the amount of time you can spend on it
  • You’ve tried other group programs, but you couldn’t attend all the meetings during the day  (and felt out of place when you did)
  • You know God has called you to this dream thing, but feel guilty that you can’t devote more time to it
  • You love your job, but when you are there, you wish you were working on your dream
  • You know the value of partnering with others, but you haven’t found people moving at your pace and on your schedule
The Honor Circle

I know the tension between a job I love and a dream that inspires me

I got tired of people telling me if I just had enough faith, or if I just cut out everything else in my life, I could quit my job.  (Honestly, I kinda like my job and I haven’t felt God telling me to quit it.)

I felt inadequate when I wasn’t getting the same results as others, even though they were able to work way more hours on their business than I could.

I grew frustrated with programs that only met at times that I was working …. and watching a recording later just isn’t the same.

So I am creating a place just for us …. a place where you can receive:

  • Support of a coach and mentor (that’s me!)
  • Camaraderie of a mastermind with other Christian women building a God-inspired dream while they are working full-time (or otherwise occupied during the day)
  • Honest feedback and input so that you no longer second-guess every decision
  • A library of project management-based training to help you reach your goals and complete your projects
  • PLUS prayer and Biblical principles as the basis for everything

Space and Community

Being in the Honor Circle has helped me to realistically hold space for all of the moving pieces of life: family, faith, business and God dreams. Being in community with others who are doing the same is empowering.

Naomi Fata, Sustainable Sewing Coach

Want to know what’s included in The Honor Circle? 

Monthly live group zooms

Once a month, we’ll gather in a live Zoom meeting, each meeting having a specific purpose and agenda, so you know your time will not be wasted!

September:  Quarterly Strategic Planning
October: Networking
November:  Group Coaching

Facebook Group

  • Our home base for announcements and resources
  • Accountability check-ins
  • Mastermind Hot Seats - members will post in the group about a problem, question, or decision that they want input on, and the rest of the group will provide feedback

Voxer Group Chat

  • Casual connection for community, quick questions, etc.
  • 2 - 3 prompt questions from me per week
  • Opportunities for self-led co-working sessions


Featured Resources - Courses, experiences, and other resources from people I know and trust, with special negotiated pricing so YOU get an exclusive discount.

Hi, I'm Christa ... a Reformed Wilderness Wanderer

I know what it’s like to wander around between tasks, ideas and projects.  When I first started my business eight years ago, I had a passion for helping creative people put some structure around their big, messy ideas.  And I tried to do that in lots of different ways, some successful, some …. not.

But then I started focusing on accountability with my one-on-one coaching clients and  saw their productivity and effectiveness improve. They were doing the things they said they would do and seeing the results of their consistent, faithful work.

I know it's hard to do when you are working full-time, or otherwise occupied by homeschooling, volunteer work, or caregiving.  The Honor Circle was created just for you to offer resources when YOU are available with people who understand the tension between your dream and your job.

You're invited to join me inside

The Honor Circle

A Membership for Christian Women with a Dream AND a Job to Honor ALL the Work God Has Given Us to Do

It’s for you if:

You believe your dream is inspired by God and He has a message for you to share online through your ministry or business.

The Honor Circle
The Honor Circle

You have limited time but know you need input, community, and accountability.

You are willing to invest in resources to grow, but need to stretch your dollar.

The Honor Circle
the Honor Circle

You are coachable and able to accept constructive feedback from me and others.


Sanity and a Plumbline

I have a lot going on, and constant noise about what I should be doing and how I ought to do it. I'm trying to grow my business, but I needed some sanity and a faith-based plumbline to ground myself and counteract the endless pressure to hustle and the fear of missing out on the next shiny thing. The Honor Circle was it.

Milla Holt, Author

This program is not for you if:

  • You have an idea but haven’t fleshed it out into a plan or gotten started. (Reach out to me for one-on-on coaching.)
  • You aren’t willing to try new things.
  • You don’t need connections with other women in similar situations for support and encouragement.

September - November  $247
Upgrade to VIP with a 1:1 coaching call:  $347


The Honor Circle Voxer Office Hours

Voxer Office Hours

$150 Value

You’ll have a direct line to me via Voxer. This means you can contact me during bi-weekly office hours if  you have an issue or question, or something you want to address privately.

Mastermind Resource Library

$400 Value

You’ll have access to the complete library of 18 modules on various project management and business building topics, PLUS my signature Move Forward Method and Simple Strategy Solution goal setting and time management process.

The Honor Circle Mastermind Resource Library
Email best practices (1)

Monthly Plan Reviews

$200 Value

During this quarter, we will be getting back to the basics of creating a plan and sticking to it!  Each month, you'll submit your monthly plan to me for review and feedback, so you are equipped to focus on your more important work. If you write it down, you are 80% more likely to actually do it! We'll make sure you do!

Questions You Might Have: